Blog - 2 ; Tribe Of INDIA: KHASI TRIBE


"The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life."

– Richard Bach.



One of the famous and well known tribe of India is KHASI TRIBE which belongs from the ethnic group of Meghalaya in north-eastern part of India with a significant population. KHASI people constitute around 48% of the total people residing in Meghalaya which is huge in number, near to majority. Khasi is one of the largest communities in India. One of the most important features of Khasi tribe is that it follows matrilineal system I.E, the relationship between mother and her children are emphasized more than that the relationship between father and his son. This unique feature makes this tribe special from the rest.


 Now under the constitution, this tribe is considered under the Schedule Tribe (ST) and enjoy the privilege as per a ST.


They are one of the few Austroasiatic-speaking peoples in South Asia. Among the Khasis, matrilineal communities occur. Previously, the father simply visited the family at night and was not responsible for the family's upkeep in conservative Jaintia non-Christian houses. Khasi, on the other hand, has a female leader.


The Khasis follow a matrilineal inheritance system. In Khasi society, only the youngest daughter, known as "Ka Khadduh," is eligible to inherit the ancestral property. If 'Ka Khadduh' dies without a daughter, the ancestral property passes to her next eldest sister, who then passes it on to that sister's youngest daughter. If all of the daughters are unable to settle their gender issues, the land is passed on to the mother's sister, mother's sister's daughter, and so forth. Because the Ka Khadduh's land is essentially ancestral property, one male head is also necessary for consulting. The whole tribe is run by the family's daughter, with the help of a brother or uncle.


The Khasis have converted to Christianity in huge numbers. They used to worship a Supreme Being known as U Blei Nongthaw, who was joined by a variety of water, mountain, and other natural object deities.


The practise of marrying within a clan is frowned upon. To cement the union, the bride and groom exchange rings or betel-nut bags.


Dance of Nongkrem

The Nongkrem Dance is a religious ceremony in which the community expresses gratitude to God Almighty for a plentiful harvest, peace, and wealth. Every year in October/November, it takes place in Smit, the capital of the Khyrim Syiemship near Shillong. The dance is performed in public by young virgins and men, both bachelors and married. Women clothed in magnificent silk outfits with heavy gold, silver, and coral embellishments dance in the arena's inner circle. The males create an outside circle and dance to the sound of flutes and drums. The 'Pomblang,' or goat sacrifice, offered by the subjects to the Hima's administrative leader, Syiem of Khyrim, is an important aspect of the celebration (Khasi State).

Shad Suk Mynsiem

One of the Khasis' most important holidays is Ka Shad Suk Mynsiem, or Dance of the Joyful Heart. Shillong hosts an annual thanksgiving dance in April. Men and women dressed in traditional costume dance to the accompaniment of drums and the flute. The celebration will last three days.


The traditional Khasi male attire is a longish sleeveless coat with no collar and thongs in front, known as "jymphong." The traditional Khasi female dress is ornate, with numerous pieces of cloth forming a cylinder shape around the torso. The Khasi lady wears a loose-fitting 'Jainsem' garment that reaches her ankles. The top half of her body is covered by her blouse. The Khasis wear jewellery, and the pendant is made of 24 carat gold and is called 'Kynjri Ksiar.' The Khasis wear a necklace of thick red coral beads called 'Paila' around their necks on celebratory occasions. Khasi people are now dressed in modern attire.


Rice is the Khasis primary diet. They also eat meat and fish. Every ceremonial and religious occasion necessitates the use of rice-beer.


The Khasis and Jaintias are particularly fond of songs that praise nature, such as lakes, waterfalls, and hills, as well as songs that express affection for their motherland. Drums, duitaras, guitar-like instruments, flutes, pipes, and cymbals are some of the instruments they use.



The tribals of Meghalaya do cane or cloth weaving, which is an ancient craft. The Khasis are well-known for weaving cane mats, stools, and baskets. They make a form of cane mat called 'Tlieng,' which has a usable life of 20 to 30 years. Khasis are also weavers of textiles. The Khasis have also been involved in the mining of iron ore, which is used to create domestic knives, utensils, and even rifles and other military weapons.

Hope you would come to know about an utmost important tribe of India which has an important place in India’s history, geography, heritage and past. :) :)






















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