Blog 6 ; My Role In Social Group


QUESTION - You are part of many social groups, identify those groups; Describe your role & status in each identified social group and their impact on your personality on your blog. 


Within each such social group, a feeling of solidarity prevails, a compelling need to work together and a joy in doing so that represent a high moral value.

Christian Lous Lange


 Man's life is, for most part, a group life. When an individual remains in society, he is normally part of several organizations, each of which could be regarded a separate society. A group is made up of individuals who have formed a bond with each other. The impression of cooperative involvement, not actual closeness or contact between individuals, is the foundation of a social group. This awareness of interaction may occur even when there is no human connection between persons. For example, we are members of a national group and consider ourselves to be nationals while meeting only a few people.

The main characteristics of social groups are as follows:

Members' Communication 


Mutual awareness 

Individuals' Collection

Solidarity and a sense of belonging to a group

Identical behavior for the same purpose

The Influence of Group Norms on Personality

ð  There are various types if groups of which we are part of: -

On the basis of contact

Primary group – The foundation of all social groups is the primary group. It's a small group in which only a few individuals have direct contact with one another. They get together "in person" for greater cooperation, compassion, and discussion of similar concerns. They exist in each other's presence and thoughts.

Secondary group – Secondary groups are large groups with professional and goal-oriented relationships. People in a secondary group interact on a less personal basis than in a primary group, and their interactions are usually short-lived.

ð  Family is the very first that we become part of which provides us the sense of security with interpersonal relationship with all our Kins.

ð  Secondary group we select is more like on a voluntary basis and for fulfillment of goal. Like I selected a particular coaching institute for studies on some the basis of some desired goals and for a particular period of time.

On the basis of identification

In group - They divided under in-groups (to which loyalty is expressed)

Out group – Out-groups (to which hard core loyalty is not expressed).

Me being in such groups: -

ð   Again in a family loyalty is most expected and respected.

ð  As a student it is not necessary for me to part of canteen service as well so it acts as an out group for me.

On the basis of rules and regulations

Formal group – Formal groups are those that are formed with ritualistic authority in order to achieve the desired goal

Informal group – Informal groups are those which form naturally into an organization as a result of psychological and social dynamics.

ð  Working in an office or in any of the educational institution acts as a formal group.

ð  A close friend circle is the informal group which is voluntarily chosen by us for our own will.

On the basis of structure

Voluntary group - A voluntary group is one that an individual joins entirely of his own freely on his will. He has the option to withdraw from any of this group at any stage.

In - voluntary group - An involuntary group is a group in which a member is forced to accept because of connection, such as a family, tribe, or clan because of the birth which is involuntary and cannot be pre-decided.

Delegated group - Members are either chosen by the people or selected by a committee based on a set of standards.

ð  Voluntarily I decided to part of the college in which I am studying right now.

ð  In voluntarily I became a part of India as thee selection is not in my hands.

ð  I got elected as a head of the house that is the club of school which was through election process.


Being a part of all these groups from the time of birth helps each and every individual to grow and have a personality of his own. As every role and status expects a certain set rules and responsibilities which is to be adhered strictly. As the various roles help to develop as an individual and would reflect in our personality and make us a good human being. :):)


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