Blog 8 ; Organizational Change And Learning



Culture isn’t just one aspect of the game. It is the game.” Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.

Organizational change and learning examines the key concepts and ideas about formal and informal transformation of ideas at all levels of society, including individuals, groups, organizations, and sectors. In a variety of scenarios, everyone learns to investigate and solve organizational challenges. They develop knowledge and expertise in leading, predicting, and responding to change as well. This emphasis incorporates theoretical and empirical research and methods from a wide range of disciplines, including organization and management sciences, learning sciences, sociology, psychology, economics, and design.

Organizational transformation is the shift of an organization from one state of affairs to another. Organizational change can happen in a variety of forms and sizes. There could be a shift in a company's structure, strategy, regulations, processes, technology, or culture. The change could be years in the making or forced upon an organization owing to a change in the environment. Organizational change can be abrupt and entirely transform an organization's operations, or it can be gradual and incrementally modify how things are done. Change means letting go of old ways of working and adjusting to new ways of working in all cases, regardless of the form. Organizational Change examines the process through which a corporation or organization changes its operating procedures, technology, organizational structure, overall structure, or strategies, as well as the consequences of those changes. External or internal influences usually cause or result in organizational change through the dynamic environment which keeps on changing.

It is critical that the organization ensures that the insights obtained through this process is kept and transferred all through organization. Individual knowledge could not be properly retained since individuals can depart and carry their insightful information with them. Embedded information can be maintained within the company and disseminated to all employees.

Due to rapid changes in the business environment and increased competitiveness, the concept of "organizational learning" has grown in significance during the last few decades. Organizational learning can be conceived of as a progression from the stage of no learning to the stage of complete learning. Rigidities, insensitive approach, or a closed approach toward sharing reality and experiences identify no learning stage. The whole learning stage, on the other hand, is defined by availability, flexibility, and adaptability to changing events or experiences. The creation of learning organizations is assisted by a number of forces or mechanisms.

Importance of learning in business sphere .The numerous benefits that emerge in businesses that establish a learning culture emphasize the importance of organizational learning:

1)  Increased Job satisfaction and morale among employees

2)  Lower employee turnover

3)  Productivity, profits, and efficiency all have increased.

4)  Leaders throughout all levels are being produced.

5)  Enhanced adaptability at all levels of an organization

Organizations are more effective when they invest time and resources to establishing a learning culture and implementing effective and supportive learning.

Organizational change and learning are two sides of the coin. If the change takes place in the environment the organizational structure will change and this affect the learning of the people working in it. The learning process helps every individual to grow from all the arena and develop the skills on regular basis to compete effectively. :) :)


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