
Showing posts from May, 2022

Blog 9 ; Health Inequalities

  HEALTH INEQUALITIES ” BASED ON NFHS-5 FACT SHEETS Health and health inequalities tell us a great deal about the good or bad effects of social policies. Michael Marmot   The fifth in the row of NFHS series, the National Family Health Survey 2019-21 (NFHS-5), provides data on India's population, health, and nutrition for each state and union territory (UT) which shows the change in the population structure of India on a regular basis. NFHS 5 is as similar as the previous sessions are which are NFHS 4, NFHS 3, NFHS 2 AND NFHS 1 but in the latest survey preschool education, handicap, access to a toilet facility, death registration, bathing practices during menstruation, and techniques and reasons for abortion are all the new topics added in NFHS-5. However, HIV testing has been dropped from the latest edition. The International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) situated in Mumbai has been designated as the nodal agency for the NFHS-5 by the Ministry of Health and Fam

Blog 10 ; Caste Based Reservation Policy In India

  Caste based reservation policy of India “Men with merit need to be rewarded, but men without merit need not be insulted.” ―   Amit Kalantri,  Wealth of Words RESERVATION Reservation Policy in India refers to the procedure of reserving a certain number of seats (up to 50%) in government educational institutions, government positions, and so on for a target segment, such as Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, and so on. Reservations have been in practice in India for a really long period. Its roots can be traced back to ancient times, when 'untouchability’, the caste system, and the Varna system were all common place in Indian society. Hindu people are divided into Varna, Jatis, or classes in ancient times, with the Brahmans, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, and Shudras descending in hierarchical order. Untouchables, also known as "avarna," or "no class," were a different class of people, or rather, no class of people. The legislative cornersto

Blog 6 ; My Role In Social Group

MY PART IN SOCIAL GROUP QUESTION - You are part of many social groups, identify those groups; Describe your role & status in each identified social group and their impact on your personality on your blog.    “ Within each such social group, a feeling of solidarity prevails, a compelling need to work together and a joy in doing so that represent a high moral value. ” Christian Lous Lange     Man's life is, for most part, a group life. When an individual remains in society, he is normally part of several organizations, each of which could be regarded a separate society. A group is made up of individuals who have formed a bond with each other. The impression of cooperative involvement, not actual closeness or contact between individuals, is the foundation of a social group. This awareness of interaction may occur even when there is no human connection between persons. For example, we are members of a national group and consider ourselves to be nationals while meeting o

Blog 8 ; Organizational Change And Learning

  ORGANISATIONAL CHANGE AND LEARNINGS “ Culture isn’t just one aspect of the game. It is the game. ” Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. Organizational change and learning examines the key concepts and ideas about formal and informal transformation of ideas at all levels of society, including individuals, groups, organizations, and sectors. In a variety of scenarios, everyone learns to investigate and solve organizational challenges. They develop knowledge and expertise in leading, predicting, and responding to change as well. This emphasis incorporates theoretical and empirical research and methods from a wide range of disciplines, including organization and management sciences, learning sciences, sociology, psychology, economics, and design. Organizational transformation is the shift of an organization from one state of affairs to another. Organizational change can happen in a variety of forms and sizes. There could be a shift in a company's structure, strategy, regulations, processes,

Blog - 7 ; Your Experience In Role Conflict And Role Taking

  YOUR EXPERIENCE IN ROLE CONFLICT AND ROLE TAKING “Conflict cannot survive without your participation.”   -- by Wayne Dyer Role-playing isn't storytelling. If the dungeon master is directing it, it's not a game. Gary Gygax   ROLE CONFLICT Meaning of role - Everyone has a role to play in life. In a specific setting, a role is a set of expectations. Everyone plays at least one role, and many people play many roles at once. Role conflict - Every role of a person that he holds comes with its own set of expectations and duties. When a single person's several expected behavior or role for competing tasks at the same time, role conflict emerges. Several jobs in ordinary life may generate contrasting examples. Role conflict occurs when a person's role or obligations produce conflict for the person or others. Role conflict occurs when there are contradictions in the roles that a person takes on or plays in their daily lives. Conflict happens when people differ ove

Blog - 1 ; Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times

  The deeper the truth in a creative work, the longer it will live. From Chaplin’s manuscript notes   Modern times by Charlie Chaplin A silent comedy written and acted by ace actor Charlie Chaplin depicts the life of a normal human being during the beginning of industrial revolution. Whole life routine and cycle changed drastically after the advent of machine in the production process. Charlie Chaplin played his very famous role of TRAMP for the last time in the movie. The movie premise is made after the fully advent and advancement of industrial revolution, when the whole economy was transforming from agrarian society to industrial society. The movie begins with the workers entering into the factory for their work to be done as their regular routine. Everyone entered in the same pace as well as tried to reach out to their designated place as fast as they could. After a set time the manager   (head) asked to stat the work simultaneously for all. As we can see that the workers ar

Blog - 5 ; Organisational Culture

  “Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first.”  – Simon Sinek   ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE The values, expectations, and practises that govern and inform the activities of all team members make up organisational culture. Consider it a collection of characteristics that define your organisation. A great corporate culture displays good features that lead to increased performance, whereas a dysfunctional company culture elicits characteristics that can stymie even the most successful businesses. Everything from timeliness and tone to contract terms and employee benefits is influenced by a company's culture. When the workplace culture matches their needs, employees are more likely to feel at ease, supported, and respected. Companies that place a high value on culture can withstand difficult times and changes in the business environment. Culture is critical when it comes to attracting talent and outperforming the competition. Employee satisfaction is influe

Blog - 3 ; Socio Psychology and Consumer Behavior

  "In science, when human behavior enters the equation, things go non-linear. That's why physics is easy and sociology is hard." - Neil DeGrasse Tyson.   Socio - Psychology and Consumer behavior Understanding consumer behavior is critical to designing effective marketing plans and approaches. Consumer behavior research may assist marketers in a variety of ways, most notably in understanding the psychology behind how consumers think and reason, and ultimately choose between several options, whether they are alternative brands, products, or stores. Studying psychological aspects of consumer behavior can help marketers better understand how customers behave while buying and the social variables that influence purchases, such as media and cultural influences. Overall, knowing consumer psychology will aid marketers in adapting their techniques and improving campaigns in order to better reach their target audiences.

Blog - 4 ; Brand History of DOVE

  “ You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.”  - Henry For BRAND HISTORY OF DOVE Dove began its adventure in the United States in 1957, and there has been no looking back since. For almost 17 years, Dove has worked to make beauty a source of confidence rather than concern. Beauty is defined by its uniqueness and sincerity, not by its shape, size, or colour. We provide high-quality things to inspire all women to experience beauty on their own terms. Models are never featured, only women. Women are shown in their natural state. The images have not been digitally manipulated. Young individuals can use the brand to help them build a positive body image and self-esteem. SHAPE OF THE LOGO The Dove logo is one of the most well-known and instantly recognisable in the cosmetics industry. It features a delicate dove symbol, which serves as an expression of peace, love, tenderness, and purity, and is a good match for the brand's products. Ian Brignell, a well-known Toro